Would Solar Power Save You Money?

You’ve probably heard it all before; solar power is the answer to the world’s energy crisis, and what’s more installing solar panels in and on your home will save you money on energy bills. With utility bills, particularly electricity, increasing all the time – it’s no wonder that more and more people are seeking alternatives.

So, basically, the blurb is good. Solar power is good, and it is truly a way forward. At this point, with interest piqued, many will begin to wonder if they genuinely can save money and the environment by investing in solar panels.

Solar panels can be placed anywhere; the most effective place for the average household is on the roof, where exposure to sunlight is at its highest. And while you may feel the stories of cut price energy bills are a little bit too good to be true, the simple fact is by switching to solar power you will save money. Yes, everyone.

Solar panels can replace your dependence on electricity and gas – two of the most used utilities in any given home. For the first few years what you save will be largely offset by the cost of the solar panels being installed, but most companies estimate that people will genuinely be saving money by their seventh or eighth year with solar panels. Reduction in energy bills could be as high as 30% – no matter what or who you are, from a tiny flat to a large six bedroom detached house.

Purchasing and installing solar panels should be seen as an investment rather than a quick fix for your energy bills soaring. However, there are various grants and loans available for people wishing to help switch their homes to solar energy – check your local authority to see if you, and the environment, could benefit.

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