The Effect of Wind Turbines on Humans

Wind turbines and farms are becoming an evermore familiar sight on the landscape, and while generally accepted as a useful resource for electricity generation, they have not been without their critics. One of the major criticisms of wind farms is that they are damaging to the humans who live near them. This effect is both […]

Wind Turbines and ‘Shadow Flicker’

If you do not live near a wind turbine, it is unlikely you will have ever heard the term ‘shadow flicker’ in everyday usage. The problem however is being discussed fervently by those who reside near onshore wind farms, and the matter is having to be settled by the courts in some cases. Like all […]

Offshore Wind Farms

While we may all have seen wind farms on grassy fields, the most likely place for wind farms to really come into their full efficacy is out to sea. Off shore wind farms are becoming more common, and many experts predict they are the future of wind power. The reason for this is simple: offshore, […]